The Black Plague was an outbreak that began in 1346 in Europe, Asia, and Africa. The plague killed more than 75 million within the 8 years that it ravaged throughout the countries. The Black Death was a bacteria, because of this, antibiotics were able to be used to help cure this devastating disease. Bacteria are very bad for human bodies because they produce internal toxins or they induce sensitivity to antigenic properties.
The Balck Plague was caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. The disease was often transmitted through rats and fleas as people traveled from place to place on boats. During this time period, often, people were not very healthy and the conditions that they lived in were very unhealthy. Because of this, the disease spread very quickly and 60% of the people that got the disease died from it. Much like how the world is deciding to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Black Death was cured mainly by implementing self quarantines by the public so that the spread of the bacteria would be stopped. Also, some of the more wealthy people would leave the densely populated areas and go to more isolated areas.